
As I said yesterday, I have been working on a few larger pieces, and that’s really where my time has been spent recently. But I have also been working on a few final structural things. After a few very, very scary moments, I think I finally have things up and running smoothly. Sorry if you visited and a) there was nothing to see, b) every link you clicked on brought you back to the home page, c) the whole layout was different, or d) the sheer weirdness of the page layout left you perplexed. I think – I hope – that it’s all taken care of. In the meantime, hopefully you saw my recent posts:

  • Noteworthy, containing links to interesting stories spanning the nether-reaches (a-ha! used that phrase twice, in two days…) of the Internet.
  • Listening to Planet Earth, about the very cool new Prince CD.
  • Shapes and Sizes, about a song that captivated me last week.



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